Thursday, 26 April 2012

My Very First!

Hey friends! Hope you are all having a fabulous day <3
This is my first post and I want to focus in on something very special to me... or more like to my stomach ;) 

Healthy eats! When I first jumped on the exercise bandwagon, my eating habits adjusted pretty quickly. I ate mostly chicken salads, low fat yogurt, and fruit. This was what I came to enjoy quite a lot. However, exercise was the big obstacle I just didn't want to take time to overcome. I did it though! And lost 50 lbs. That was all in 2009 and in 2010 I continued with working out and eating diet foods. I could control my food, my exercise and that allowed me to control my weight. What I couldn't control though was how much weight I lost. I had become an 'over-exercises'. I would burn lots of calories but failed to consume enough to maintain weight. When I got down to 109 lbs on my 5'7 frame, I just didn't feel right. And I had comments to make me feel even worse.

After revamping my exercise routine and adding healthy fats (which wasn't easy to talk myself into doing) I am at a 120ish lb weight. I hate scales and try not to weigh myself all the time. Since studying holistic nutrition and fitness, I have realized that a balanced diet full of whole foods is key to looking healthy and feeling good. No one should have to run 10 K a day to be fit. And you shouldn't have to restrict yourself from eating foods you enjoy. (That being said, fast foods and junk foods should be avoided in my eyes)

In 2010 I became a vegetarian (actually just a test to see how long I could go w/o meat....turned out to be a permanent thing!), and in 2011 I switched to an all vegan diet. I feel amazing knowing that I am living a cruelty free life! I will post more about that in the future though ;)

What I'm trying to say is, food is meant to keep us alive and thriving. Not sick and lethargic...yes I'm talking about calorie laden Dunkin Donuts that leave us in an afternoon slump. Food is a very touchy subject and most people who KNOW they have an addiction do not want to admit it. I was addicted & I still love food! You just have to change the type of food you is possible. And you can do this change without getting rid of old favourites (Hello Vegan donuts! :P)
Let me know what your input is on food and how it has helped you or hurt you in the past. I would love to hear what you have to say! Annnnnd....what is YOUR favourite food????                                                               

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