Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Sweet Potato Lovin!

Hello peoples!

I haven't posted in a long time :( I apologize. Life has been a tad crazy.

It's What I Ate Wednesday, in the blog world... so take a look!

Breakfast: Apple Pie Overnight Oats and Lemon Water (such a good detoxifier)

This morning I did HIIT's so this bfast filled me up til 12:00 when I got hungry againnnnn!

Lunch: I made a version of Whole Foods Big Yummy Smoothie (Omg Heaven!) Sad, funny story time... My blender decided to crash and burn this morning :( #whitegirlproblems And I had to finish it in the food processor LOL madness, I know! Second part of my lunch consisted of a baked, Organic Sweet Potato topped with guac, salsa, and black beans :) 

Dinner was quick because of a late Pilates class! I threw together a delicious sandwich which I will post the recipe later :) Dessert consisted of a raw choco brownie <3 

What did YOU have for dinner? Also, do you like Pilates? :) 

Good night friends <3
